‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Here a quick down and dirty quick list of some cards that I have my eye on at the moment considering recent B&R events:

Honorable Mention:

[scryimg] Nahiri, the Harbinger [/scryimg]

Nahiri, the Harbinger. Maybe you have seen me talk about her in the past but I’m going to do it again because she is the cheapest now that she has ever been. I’m looking at NM copies for 4.50$ shipped! I’ve already talked about her enough before but she just does so much and when you get to ult her it just feels dirty cheating out an Emrakul. If only my monthly student loan payments didn’t jump from 201$ to 479$ 😡 Kind of puts a damper on card buying… Anyways, she’s a hot deal right now and worth mentioning if you’ve got 20$ to throw at something. P.S. The cool new little Chandra, Acolyte of Flame helps crank out Emrakul a turn faster!

[scryimg] Ice-Fang Coatl [/scryimg]

#1. Ice-Fang Coatl. This card could have the potential to be Baleful Strix in Modern. Small setup cost but there is no downside to playing snow lands and you can’t be punished for it if you do. Currently sitting at about 4-5$ I could see them being worth the same 7-8$ that Baleful Strix costs. If we ever get a Shardless Agent printed in a future MH set I could see people Cascading into this card. People already play 3-4 copies of Ice-Fang Coatl in Legacy Shardless BRUG lists so you know it’s good. We just need a couple more tools to make the snek pure gas in Modern.

[scryimg] Opalescence [/scryimg]

#2. Opalescence. I might regret mentioning this card but it’s on the Reserved List and it’s under 10$ AND it actually sees play! It is an essential 4-of in the Legacy Leylines deck and is occasionally played in prison style enchantment decks.

[scryimg] Abrade [/scryimg]

#3. Abrade. This makes it on the list because of recent events. Again looking to Legacy for inspiration we see some Legacy decks playing 1 to 2 copies of Abrade in the mainboard when Stoneblade decks dominate the meta. I could see Modern Grixis Death Shadow and Jund playing 1 to 2 copies in the mainboard to gain that winning edge game 1.

[scryimg] Kolaghans Command [/scryimg]

#4. Kolaghan’s Command. This card is no stranger to Modern players, I myself have I played the two copies that I own in Living End before. I just feel like as we move towards a more “midrangey” Modern meta K.Command will be putting in work against Humans and SFM decks. Killing SFM, blowing up Batterskull, or both! The card is just pure value. I have even heard K.Command be called “the Swiss Army knife of Modern” before. I could see this card gaining tons of value in the weeks to come.

[scryimg] Rotting Regisaur [/scryimg]

And lastly, #5. Rotting Regisaur. This card has been on my list before (M20 Top 5 Picks) and it’s back again because I’ve seen the card in action! It’s really cool to see a card that you suspected to be good later prove your suspicions correct. While I was at GP Vegas I actually saw some number of the zombie dinosaur being on the table tops in the main event in a Modern Dredge list. Aside from physically watching “Rotting Reggy” (as I call him) kicking tushie in paper I also recall some Sultai midrange shells putting up decent numbers with it a while back. Again, I stand behind saying that this card is raw power in the right shell. Currently sitting at a steady 2.99$ and the price graph having flat-lined I’d say this is going to be the cheapest they will ever be until rotation (and even then there isn’t a lot of Standard demand for them so when they do rotate they might come down .50 cents or a dollar. Mayyyyyyyybe 2$ at the most…).

Welp, that’s all the spec talk for today folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.