‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I know I said I was going to “work on this next” last Sunday but you know how things go…🙄

And as always:

The cards that I’ve picked are not always or necessarily the best and most powerful cards in the set. These are just cards that I like for one reason or another whether it be for competitive Modern purposes (Commander only in this case), a much needed reprint, silly Pauper shenanigans, or I’m just excited to Draft with it.

WARNING: This is going to be insanely long list because the set just has so many amazing cards packed into it (imo).

[scryimg] livio, oathsworn sentinel [/scryimg]

Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel

Can do some sweet flicker things: abuse ETB triggers or save your dudes from spot removal. AND IT HAS PARTNER?!? I thought that was just flavor text… And only costs 2 mana? Buff.

[scryimg] open the armory [/scryimg]

Open the Armory

A much welcomed reprint.

[scryimg] promise of tomorrow [/scryimg]

Promise of Tomorrow

Play it as insurance against board wipes, incremental spot removal, or use it in a combo after you sacrificed a bunch of dudes for a game winning Rally the Ancestors effect.

[scryimg] slash the ranks [/scryimg]

Slash the Ranks

Ooo, volton players rejoice.

[scryimg] mnemonic deluge [/scryimg]

Mnemonic Deluge

Obviously a big dumb flashy blue spell but what people don’t know is that it’s the most metal card ever. Hear me out: “I cast Mnemonic Deluge targeting One with Nothing.” Yep, not only do you cast One w/ Nothing once but three more times! No one will see it coming. Champagne will rain down from the heavens, girls in bikinis will feed you grapes, and Nickelback might actually retire.

[scryimg] mana drain [/scryimg]

Mana Drain

Obviously an amazing reprint.

[scryimg] hullbreacher [/scryimg]


Damn, Wotc you mean. This card is brutal. That replacement effect. Please, someone cast Brainstorm I dare ya’. Even if I didn’t have Hullbreacher in hand, I’d keep 3 islands up just to scare everyone at the table.

[scryimg] fall from favor [/scryimg]

Fall from Favor

If you haven’t heard this card “broke Pauper”… It is most certainly powerful and Delver decks were scary enough but we will see if it does.

[scryimg] eligeth, crossroads auger [/scryimg]

Eligeth, Crossroads Auger

Very straight forward card either as the commander or in the 99. As soon as I saw this card I bought an extra copy of Mystic Speculation. I want to know what casting Ancestral Recall feels like. (Yes, I know Preordain effectively does the same thing.)

[scryimg] cuombajj witches [/scryimg]

Cuombajj Witches

THANK YOU WIZARDS! People who have been wanting foil Witches in Pauper MBC should be dancing in the streets. (I think MBC is completely foil-able now?)

[scryimg] demonic lore [/scryimg]

Demonic Lore

*casts Demonic Lore* *draws 3 cards* *casts Harmless Offering* Me: “Here take this.” 🙂

[scryimg] eyeblight massacre [/scryimg]

Eyeblight Massacre

Rarity downshift making it possibly Pauper playable? Does Elves want to splash black for this? Probably not is my guess.

[scryimg] nightshade harvester [/scryimg]

Nightshade Harvester

I’m a sucker for punisher cards and this is going to go into Mogis for sure.

[scryimg] opposition agent [/scryimg]

Opposition Agent

By now we have all heard about this card. I’m not too worried about it because I’m a weirdo and run like 10 forms of targeted removal in my Commander decks whenever I can but a lot of people seem to believe it will receive a ban. Time will tell 🤷🏻‍♀️

[scryimg] plague reaver [/scryimg]

Plague Reaver

Also another fun card to jam into Mogis decks (I think the only other creature the deck plays is Harsh Mentor). It’s an under-costed beater that lets you swing for the fences and you don’t care if it dies. I’m actually hoping it dies so I can pitch some big dumb 6+ mana spells stuck in my hand to give someone at the table a headache 😂

[scryimg] profane transfusion [/scryimg]

Profane Transfusion

An obvious big crazy mythic spell for all of you with a life total manipulation fetish.

[scryimg] tormod, the desecrator [/scryimg] [scryimg] krark, the thumbless [/scryimg] [scryimg] nevinyrral, urborg tyrant [/scryimg] [scryimg] hans eriksson [/scryimg]

Tormod, the Desecrator, Krark, the Thumbless, Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant, and Hans Eriksson

I love when WotC finally gives story characters their own legendary cards. Some of them like Hans are hilarious when they do. I’m sure I missed a few but these ones put a smile on my face.

[scryimg] vampiric tutor [/scryimg]

Vampiric Tutor

WotC is just printing money at this point. But I will take it!

[scryimg] viscera seer [/scryimg]

Viscera Seet

Always a much needed and warmly welcomed reprint.

[scryimg] wheel of misfortune [/scryimg]

Wheel of Misfortune

Brave, WotC. Brave. Playing with fire (no pun intended) I’m glad they have the huevos to try and skirt around the B&R list by printing cards like this. Now if only they did that with dual lands they might save Legacy. Oh, and ban Oko + Uro while they’re at it… 🙄

[scryimg] toggo, goblin weaponsmith [/scryimg]

Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith

Dude, goblins are the funniest tribe ever and I think that’s why they are my fav. Cards like Goblin Balloon Brigade, “The enemy is getting too close! Quick! Inflate the toad!” and Volley Veteran, “Fill the sky with stuff!” with a pickle flying through the air. Goblins just crack me up and this card is no different. Even down to the name of the artifact it creates, just: “Rock” 😂 I can imagine a bunch of gobos picking up and tossing stones… I love it.

[scryimg] rograkh, son of rohgahh [/scryimg]

Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh

Obviously a very unique partner commander and I believe the only 0 mana commander ever printed? We had Rhys and Isamaru @ 1 mana but this is a first. Not to mention a direct reference to Rohgahh from Legends which is cool.

[scryimg] kediss, emberclaw familiar [/scryimg]

Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar

I’m trying to figure out how to break this cool little lizard dude. Either partnered up w/ someone and Torbran jammed into the 99 or just with Torbran as the commander and this little dude jammed into the 99.

[scryimg] fiery cannonade [/scryimg]

Fiery Cannonade

Downshifted to common and now Pauper playable. Arguably better than Eyeblight but are pirates even a thing in Pauper? *checks MTGGoldfish* Aaand it doesn’t look like it /:

[scryimg] explosion of riches [/scryimg]

Explosion of Riches

One of my personal favorites from the set. This will be played along side cards like Pain’s Reward and Head Games.

[scryimg] apex devastator [/scryimg]

Apex Devastator

Holy cascade Batman! Do I even have to say anything? This card is ridiculous.

[scryimg] biowaste blob [/scryimg]

Biowaste Blob

Oozes got a lord! Too bad it wasn’t legendary but that would be pretty broken.

[scryimg] lys alana bowmaster [/scryimg]

Lys Alana Bowmaster

WotC must really hate Delver. I think this is their way of saying sorry for printing Fall from Favor.

[scryimg] rootweaver druid [/scryimg]

Rootweaver Druid

Initially I thought this was some pretty insane mana ramp. Assuming no one has died by turn three you getting to jam 3 lands on the battlefield while everyone else only goes up by 2. But it’s a may ability so some people might opt to search up 0 lands and laugh at you for tapping out. Again if you’re up by 3 and they’re up by 2 we assume your able to do better things with your mana ramp and you don’t care that they got to double Rampant Growth. I don’t know how I feel about this card.

[scryimg] three visits [/scryimg]

Three Visits

Woo doggy that’s one price shattering reprint! Only printed in Portal Three Kingdoms this card was chilling around 200 bucks, now a cool 2 dollars and change can make you the new proud owner of the new Commander Legend’s printing.

*Pretty much every partner reprint is awesome and there are just too many to list*

[scryimg] yurlok of scorch thrash [/scryimg]

Yurlok of Scorch Thrash

I love this card. As everyone has already pointed out, he is mana burn but on a stick. Def going to make a fun casual build-around commander for years to come.

[scryimg] obeka, brute chronologist [/scryimg]

Obeka, Brute Chronologist

Already mentioned previously in my stock analysis for causing price spikes when combined with cards like Final Fortune and Last Chance. Also another fun build-around casual commander.

[scryimg] archelos, lagoon mystic [/scryimg]

Archelos, Lagoon Mystic

Such a unique and derpy ability to build around. Play a deck of only ETB tapped lands and don’t let your opponent’s enjoy their Volcanic Islands or force them to wait a turn to crack their fetch land. Archelos is Sultai so you have access to mean cards like Frozen Aether and Root Maze to create a Stasis like effect with the help of Puppet Strings.

[scryimg] averna, the chaos bloom [/scryimg]

Averna, the Chaos Bloom

Personal favorite on the list because I’m building The First Sliver right now and who doesn’t like ramping while playing free spells?

[scryimg] belbe, corrupted observer [/scryimg]

Belbe, Corrupted Observer

This card just really speaks to me. But I’m just not sure what to do with it. Maybe because it only costs 2 mana and that it’s easy to trigger it’s ability. A simple Vicious Rumors or a Cauldron Familiar nets you 9 colorless mana during your 2nd main phase to play with or use it with Yurlok to mana burn people by activating Pyrohemia or Pestilence (both of which are in Yurlok’s colors).

[scryimg] blim, comedic genius [/scryimg]

Blim, Comedic Genius

WotC really hit a home run with this set when they decided to give us all these fun and sometimes down right funny Commanders. Not only is it Harmless Offering on a stick but it punishes people for having your stuff.

[scryimg] liesa, shroud of dusk [/scryimg] [scryimg] thalisse, reverent medium [/scryimg]

Liesa, Shroud of Dusk and Thalisse, Reverent Medium

Aside from the gorgeous artwork I feel like both of these are obvious inclusions in life gain strategies like Teysa or as stand alone commanders them selves.

[scryimg] ghen, arcanum weaver [/scryimg]

Ghen, Arcanum Weaver

Man this card had so much potential. It isn’t unplayable but the colors they chose I feel like were intentional to avoid this card being too powerful. If Ghen gave access to green I could see looping things like Abundant Growth or in Blue things like Omen of the Sea over and over. There are plenty of busted enchantments in the Mardu arsenal to play with but I still can’t help but feel disappointed.

[scryimg] juri, master of the revue [/scryimg]

Juri, Master of the Revue

Prossh, Korvold, any deck that cares about sac…

[scryimg] moss diamond [/scryimg] [scryimg] sky diamond [/scryimg] [scryimg] training center [/scryimg] [scryimg] vault of champions [/scryimg]

*The diamond cycle and the Commander lands were much appreciated*

[scryimg] scroll rack [/scryimg] [scryimg] arcane signet [/scryimg] [scryimg] staff of dominance [/scryimg] [scryimg] mana confluence [/scryimg]

Scroll Rack, Arcane Signet, Staff of Dominance, and Mana Confluence

Thanks for the reprints and helping keep the prices in check.

[scryimg] jeweled lotus [/scryimg]

And lastly the elephant in the room; Jeweled Lotus

The amount of controversy this card has caused is worth the price tag alone. I’ve heard all the arguments and I don’t think it’s that good. The price is already reflecting it. It has dropped from 150$ to 60$ and in the past week it’s now down to 50$. I could be wrong tho! Someone could find a way to consistently break it and cause it to become the new must have card in the new best deck? Until then I continue to watch the price not plummet, but steadily decline. I don’t think the sky is falling and the price reflects it.

Woowee! That was a long list but there are just so many good card I could have talked about every single one. Well I hope you enjoyed even if my .02¢ was a little late for the party.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

Categories: Mad Magic