‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I’m alive lol. Let’s skim over this weeks stock analysis real quick there isn’t much to talk about. Basically Jumpstart rolled out and one card stole the show: TINYBONES!!!

[scryimg] tinybones, trinket thief [/scryimg]

“@ Lil’ Bits we got tiny lasagna, tiny pizza, tiny pie. Mmm! We even got tiny… fried eggs…” But best of all we got TINYBONES! Yep. Basically this little guy dethroned Nath as a discard commander and is in major contention w/ others. Comes down early and starts putting in work. Since it’s reveal we saw cards like Bottomless Pit from Stronghold spike nearly 1000% as well as Words of Waste from Onslaught up 118% now 12.00$ from 5.50$.

As always with any new set of cards:

The cards that I’ve picked are not always or necessarily the best and most powerful cards in the set. These are just cards that I like for one reason or another whether it be for competitive Modern purposes, a much needed reprint, silly Pauper shenanigans, or I’m just excited to Draft with it.

Normally I don’t list cards in order but #1 on my list is:

[scryimg] seek the truth [/scryimg]

I don’t usually like blue card unless they are degenerate and combo enabling but I think this just might be. Underworld Breach, Past in Flames in Modern Storm, or just draw 3 off this thanks to a Light Up The Stage. This card has the most potential to be broken if built around properly. Favorite card in the set.

[scryimg] heroic intervention [/scryimg] [scryimg] ugin, the spirit dragon [/scryimg] [scryimg] grim tutor [/scryimg]

I lump these three together as they are/were much needed reprints. 18$ for Heroic?… 85$ for Ugin?!? and 317$ for Grim?!?! Heroic only saw play in sideboards as a 2-of usually, now 6.50$ is muuuch better. Ugin is now 25$ thank God. And Grim because it was only printed in a Starter set from wayyy back in 99′ was ridiculous; now 27$ is much mo’ betta’.

[scryimg] necromentia [/scryimg]

I love this card. Possibly #2 on my list if I were to assign a number to it. By now you’ve probably already heard how good or bad it is. Me personally, I can’t wait to name Tron lands with it and also snipe combo cards like Ad Nauseam w/ it. Here is why I think it’s good: it’s versatility. The same way Damping Sphere is good. If you devote a precious spot in your sideboard it’s a bonus if it does double duty. Rather than paying 3 mana and playing Blood Moon against Tron, now that same 3 mana can be spent to completely neuter Ad Nauseam if it resolves.

[scryimg] miscast [/scryimg]

Again, I’m not much of a blue player. I only rely on blue if it’s to cast cards like Opt or Sleight of Hand to dig for combo pieces if I do. But, this seems REALLY powerful. One mana is that magic number that optimizes mana usage and efficiency. It’s like a mini Mana Leak and we already know Leak sees play in a few formats so I don’t see why this wouldn’t. Crazy how two blue cards ranked so highly with me from this set.

[scryimg] village rites [/scryimg]

OH BABY! This card has potential. As everyone and their brother has already pointed out: obviously this card synergizes quite well with Young Pyromancer (some are even calling it a card draw engine). I like how it’s Pauper playable and I can see it being pretty annoying to play against in terms of late game grind and midrange value. Don’t let this little common fool you, this card is pretty bonkers in a lot of formats.

[scryimg] hooded blightfang [/scryimg]

Not super powerful but a very cool design. Surprisingly has the right numbers to be Modern playable (4x toughness passes the Bolt test). It’s last ability is cool, basically “planeswalker deathtouch”. At first I wished it was a 2/4 but with it’s middle ability it effectively makes it’s a pseudo 2/4 when ever it attacks. I don’t think it will see much constructed play but I still think it’s a really cool card. And sick art too.

[scryimg] conspicuous snoop [/scryimg]

Easily the most hyped up card from the set but I think it will be just a good addition to any Modern or even Legacy version of Goblins. It’s pseudo card advantage. It even lets you cast Tarfire off the top of your deck 😛 It doesn’t need to be a combo enabler to just be a good card advantage goblin in Goblins by itself.

[scryimg] terror of the peaks [/scryimg]

I love this card because it’s super little kid-ish: big dumb dragon that spits fire at anyone who tries to touch it and rewards you for playing Yargles lol. But at the same time a 5 mana 5/4 flyer is very reasonable and doesn’t even have to attack to win games. It’s really cool card because it appeals to Timmys, Johnnys, and Spikes.

And lastly,

[scryimg] containment priest [/scryimg]

Welcome to Modern and Pioneer!

P.S. TAKE THAT URO HAHA! (during it’s time in Standard…)

*EDIT* I was thinking about Drannith Magistrate’s ability when I wrote this. Woopsies. It’s been a while since I played Legacy and had a Containment Priest poop on someone trying to Reanimate a Griselbrand 😂

Welp, that just about wraps things up folks! I could have easily talked about every card in the set but I wanted to keep the list short and to the point.

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

Categories: Mad Magic