Mad Magic Special Edition w/ Burt Macklin

I’m back from MagicFest HogaakFest Las Vegas and ooh doggy was it crazy! Today’s stock article is going to be a little longer than usual because I just have so much to talk about. It occurred to me while I was at the event that I was at a very special place at a very special time. I got to bear witness to Magic history.

A Study in the Game of Magic

‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I’m feeling spontaneous right now and decided to sit down and crank out one of these. I really enjoy writing these type of articles because it allows me to pay homage to articles found in The Magic Dojo archives (RIP) on Magic theory, strategy, and just becoming a better Magic player in general.

Mad Magic w/ Burt Macklin

‘Tis a silly week in the wild wild world of Magic. Recently, whenever a Core Set comes out a strange anomaly occurs. Bizarre price spikes associated with cards only found in the Welcome Decks (those mono-color decks that are designed to introduce new players to the game and that are given out at LGSs for free…).