‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! We had a pretty busy week actually and some significant 💰% movement. Without further ado, LET’S GO! 😀

[scryimg] cephalid constable [/scryimg]

Cephalid Constable from 10th Ed. up 1,019% now 19.37$ from 1.73$

Cephalid Constable from Judgment up 809% now 9.09$ from 1.00$

Okie dokie, this card is up an ungodly amount this week because it got a Command Zone mention, has only two printings, and makes for groovy good-times in the Otrimi mutate deck.

[scryimg] gyruda, doom of depths [/scryimg]

Gyruda, Doom of Depths up 559% now 7.19$ from 1.09$

Wowza! So this card is making *waves* (Get it? Making waves? It’s is a sea monster… I know, I’m not funny…) in Standard right now with it’s used in Bant Combo Ramp. Basically they are trying to ramp into this guy (or girl Kraken…) and then “cheat” some big dumb creature like End-Raze Forerunner or value creature like Dream Trawler into play with it. Currently it’s doing broken things in Legacy with UB Reanimator…

[scryimg] hunting grounds [/scryimg]

Hunting Grounds from Judgment up 437% now 29.75$ from 5.53$

Neato! (I’m beginning to run out of expressions to describe my excitement…) This card is up this week for unknown reasons. Word on the street is that other people can’t figure it out either. It does only have a single printing and does have a unique and powerful effect for only 2x mana but nothing points to this card suddenly sky rocketing out of the blue. Yeah sure, Kathril does care about the graveyard but Kathril isn’t a dedicated graveyard strategy not to mention Kathril isn’t looking to reanimate it’s dudes as much as it wants to keep them in the GY to profit off their abilities (unless you bin a Zetalpa then that’s all you need in your GY pretty much…). Hunting Grounds is just a good stand alone card but I’m not seeing anything that would be a glaring obvious explanation for it jumping up in price. It is a rare old card with a single printing making it vulnerable so it may have been a buy-out attempt. I will keep an eye on the price in the coming days. If the price remains steady = organic price increase. If the price plummets = buy-out attempt.

[scryimg] decree of silence [/scryimg]

Decree of Silence up 202% now 21.98$ from 7.26$

Gee whiz, if I haven’t said it enough times before: FREE SPELLS ARE GOOD. I know Decree of Silence isn’t techinically “free” by itself but with Gavi it is and that’s why it’s on the list this week.

[scryimg] magus of the moon [/scryimg]

Magus of the Moon from Future Sight up 180% now 27.42$ from 9.77$

OK. So, Mr. Blood Moon on stick has been implemented in all sorts of strategies such as prison decks, hatebears, a 1-of in Cord of Calling tool box decks, etc. Well recently Gruul Midrange has become a popular deck in Modern. Full of good value stuff like Klothys, Glorybringer, my bae Bloodbraid Elf, and Ren6. Currently the #1 most played deck in Modern right now so Magus jumped hard in the past few days.

[scryimg] yidaro, wandering monster [/scryimg]

Yidaro, Wandering Monster up 160% now 6.22$ from 2.39$

It’s still too early for MTGO data to confirm my suspicions and that is that this guy is just seeing play in Standard. Based on YouTube videos and some ChannelFireball content it’s being played in Jeskai Control builds and Boros cycling brews.

[scryimg] drannith magistrate [/scryimg]

Drannith Magistrate up 144% now 6.95$ from 2.84$

Flashing a Lava Dart? Shut up! Playing a Lurrus as your companion? Shh! Murderous Rider? Enjoy your adventure to nowhere! Uro? Hush! Dreadhorde Arcanist? No Bolts or Brainstorms for youuu! Light Up the Stage? Oh hey… wait I play that card… Never mind I take back anything good I might have said about Drannith Magistrate, I hate it now and it should be banned. JK, but I think you guys get my point: It’s a major role player in all formats and will be a force to be reckoned with and feared. I feel the price now naturally reflects that.

[scryimg] rielle, the everwise [/scryimg]

Rielle, the Everwise up 129% now 18.86$ from 8.23$

I hate throwing my hands up and admitting that I don’t know what the crap is going on but IDK why this card jumped 10$… On EDHREC there is only 77 people playing the deck and I don’t think that’s whats driving up price. The only YouTube content is on Commander for this card, no cheeky Standard brews. 77 decks and not being on this week’s Top Commanders page isn’t convincing for me. But Carole Baskin def fed her husband to some big kitties…

[scryimg] crystalline giant [/scryimg]

Crystalline Giant up 128% now 2.90$ from 1.27$

While still waiting on MTGO data to support my suspicions I’m only left with speculation as to what caused this card’s price to spike. Let’s just say, to be continued…

[scryimg] bonders ornament [/scryimg]

Bonder’s Ornament up 230% now 2.25$ from 0.68$

Supplemental product only found inside the Commander Precon decks making it a rare commodity. We saw a similar thing happen a while back with Arcane Signet (which thankfully got a reprint).

[scryimg] flawless maneuver [/scryimg]

Flawless Maneuver up 98% now 18.99$ from 9.59$

You know, I was going to do an article on my Top Commander 2020 Picks but timing wise with Ikoria spoilers I already had my hands full compiling a list for that. But if I wasn’t lazy and actually did a Commander 2020 top pick list, the whole cycle of free spells were going to be on it. Like I’m always saying and have already said previously in this article: FREE SPELLS ARE GOOD! Even in a format like Commander where you want to play the biggest 7 mana sorcery spells you can, being able to Negate/Redirect/Fog even if you’re tapped out is powerful. Do not underestimate it.

[scryimg] cartographers hawk [/scryimg]

And lastly, Cartographer’s Hawk up 93% now 6.94$ from 3.58$

Here ya’ go white Commander players. Rejoice. Here is some land ramp to add to your arsenal. Happy now?! WotC finally printed a card unlike Land Tax or Weathered Wayfarer that just puts lands into your hand. With the Hawk it lets you tutor your library for a Plains and put it onto the battlefield tapped.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*

Categories: Mad Magic