‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! I’m not going to sugar coat this week’s analysis, it’s rather short and boring tbh. With that let’s take a look at this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] Equilibrium [/scryimg]

Equilibrium from 7th Ed. up 314% now 16.50$ from 3.98 (Well this is the big winner of the week. It’s a blue Roaring Primadox effect in enchantment form that gives you the option to pay 1 and activate it’s ability when you see fit. Obvious inclusion in decks looking to abuse ETB triggers. Even better in Morph tribal Commander decks looking to abuse Morph abilities more than once after they flip. Bounce your dude and recast it again face down to do it again. Add to the equation that it’s an older card with one other printing from Exodus (which I think has better art…) and they are both rares which multiplies the scarcity.)

[scryimg] Rubblebelt Recluse [/scryimg]

Rubblebelt Recluse from M20 [Welcome Decks] up 86% now 3.89$ from 2.09$ (Yet another silly Welcome Deck exclusive common card that spiked. Nothing to see.)

[scryimg] Muraganda Petroglyphs [/scryimg]

Muraganda Petroglyphs from Future Sight up 40% now 6.79$ from 4.83$ (Interesting because we saw this card spike a few weeks ago when Ayula got spoiled because it was a decent way to boost some vanilla 2/2 bear tokens to respectable threats in Commander. Now it seems this card is a good way to supercharge some vanilla face down 2/2 dudes too in Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer EDH decks.)

[scryimg] Thornbite Staff [/scryimg]

Thornbite Staff from Morningtide up 30% from 7.16$ from 5.50$ (Another card that we saw spike recently because of it’s synergy with Prime Speaker Vannifar and now people are brewing with it as a way to generate value with Atla Palani, Nest Tender.)

[scryimg] Godsire [/scryimg]

Godsire from Shards of Alara up 29% now 7.76$ from 6.00$ (Obvious inclusion in Ghired, Conclave Exile.)

[scryimg] Strip Mine [/scryimg]

Strip Mine [Even Horizon] from Antiquities up 21% now 87.68$ from 71.99$ (Aside from being played all over Vintage (as a 1-of because it’s restricted…) and in 25,527 EDH decks, Strip Mine from Antiquities will always pull a premium because of its black border and various artwork variations people hunt down to collect. Beat up HP copies of ol’ Strip Mine from 4th edition will set you back 10-12$ but there is something about the various artworks from Antiquities that people go crazy for…)

[scryimg] Empowered Autogenerator [/scryimg]

And lastly, our biggest loser of the week: Empowered Autogenerator down 79% from 19.99$ to 4.05$ (Now, part of this % loss is sensationalized by the fact that these numbers were based on preorder numbers but that’s what makes this card most interesting. Anything that generates more mana than you should be able to naturally per turn has always been historically powerful and highly sought after (Black Lotus, all the Moxen or even Sol Ring for example). This is just one of those cases where people overestimated the power of this card and set the preorder price too high based on their knowledge of powerful mana rocks from the past. We saw something similar happen with Mox Tantalite (from 70$ to 6$) and Mox Amber (from 40$ to 10$). That being said, I think this card has much more EDH potential and should be more than 5 buckaroonies. Pair it with Gilder Bairn inside a Vorel deck for broken exponential things. Mewhahaha!)

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks! Man, I’m getting the jitters thinking about GP Vegas next week. I haven’t been playing Magic as much lately due to work and I’m worried about being rusty. We will see if I remember how to Lightning Bolt people’s faces and turn Goblin Guides sideways 😛

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based on price changes in the last week. Source: