‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! In the wake of some spicy B&R announcements it’s time for this week’s MTGStocks analysis:

[scryimg] Storage Matrix [/scryimg]

Storage Matrix from Urza’s Destiny up 465% now 8.25$ from 1.46$ (It simply synergizes with new Urza is EDH.)

Storage Matrix from 9th Ed. up 287% now 9.95$ from 2.57$ (See above.)

[scryimg] Painter's Servant [/scryimg]

Painter’s Servant from Shadowmoor up 290% now 45.25$ from 11.60$ (Has been banned in Commander for as long as I can remember and it just came off the banned list. It’s been a long-standing combo deck in Legacy for years (Imperial Painter). It’s not exactly rocket surgery to think that the price would subsequently spike given the news.)

[scryimg] Grindstone [/scryimg]

Grindstone from Tempest up 255% now 31.99$ from 8.99$ (The peanut butter to Painter’s Servant’s jelly.)

[scryimg] Flamekin Harbinger [/scryimg]

Flamekin Harbinger up 124% now 7.84$ from 3.49$ (Up due to Elemental hype from M20. Honestly though, this is the best harbinger (second place goes to the Treefolk one) from the Lorwyn harbinger cycle. It always made me sad that they made Faerie Harbinger cost four mana 🙁 but it’s understandable considering how broken Faeries were…)

[scryimg] Primal Beyond [/scryimg]

Primal Beyond from Morningtide up 120% now 16.44$ from 7.45$ (More Elemental tribal hype. Doesn’t help that Morningtide is getting up there in age and copies are becoming harder to come by with it only having one printing.)

[scryimg] Cavalier of Thorns [/scryimg]

Cavalier of Thorns up 105% now 12$ from 5.83$ (Just a big fat value creature in Standard and the price is now accurately reflecting that. Seeing play in Temur Omnath and Bant Ramp decks right now.)

[scryimg] Chandra, Awakened Inferno [/scryimg]

Chandra, Awakened Inferno up 101% now 34$ from 17$ (She’s big, does a bunch of stuff, sees play in RUG Elemental lists, and says “No, sit in your controller’s hand and rot.” to Negate.

[scryimg] Omnath, Locus of the Roil [/scryimg]

Omnath, Locus of the Roil up 87% now 14.95$ from 7.99$ (Making waves right now in Standard and is played as a 4-of in Elemental tribal decks.)

[scryimg] Wrenn and Six [/scryimg]

And lastly, Wrenn and Six up 53% now 80$ from 52$ (This one makes me sad because I had it on my spec list a couple of weeks ago when I was going to buy a playset of them while they were still 25$ each. Ended up buying a kayak instead 🙁 Welp, you can’t win them all I guess. Anyways, “renn6” is helping redefine Modern Jund right now: pinging down Dark Confidants, Grim Lavamancers, and mana dorks. Getting extra millage out of cycle lands and fetch lands. And has caused people to drop Liliana the Last Hope completely as well as cut down on the number of copies of Liliana of the Veil to make room for renn6. In a weird sick way I’m kind of happy to see this card reach 80$ (even though I don’t own a set yet) because I’m literally reading my chicken scratch napkin note on how I predicted this card would be like Karn Liberated: easily an 80$ mythic rare planeswalker. And it didn’t even take years or for it to be a 4-of like in Tron to do it.

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based on price changes in the last week. Source:*