‘Ello ladles and jellyspoons! Time for this week’s MTGStocks Weekly Winners analysis:

[scryimg] Yixlid Jailer [/scryimg]

Yixlid Jailer from Future Sight up 718% now 4.99$ from 0.61$ (Up this week as a direct result of Hogaak decks in Modern. It’s seeing sideboard play in The Rock (BG Midrange decks), GW Devoted Druid combo decks, and the list goes on. Chances are if your deck can splash black you want the Jailer in your sideboard to combat Modern’s #1 deck right now. It doesn’t help that the Jailer only has one real printing from Future Sight back in 2007.)

[scryimg] Aria of Flame [/scryimg]

Aria of Flame up 557% now 6.57$ from 1.00$ (This card saw an uptick in price this week because of Izzet Phoenix decks in Modern. Sees play only as a 2-of in 40% of decks though according to MTGGoldfish…)

[scryimg] Sigarda’s Aid [/scryimg]

Sigarda’s Aid up 363% now 7.00$ from 1.50$ (Because of a silly three card combo with Glistener Elf and the new one-drop mallet Colossus Hammer that gives +10/+10.)

[scryimg] Crashing Footfalls [/scryimg]

Crashing Footfalls up 203% now 3.00$ from 1.00$ (Sees playing in the Modern ‘Free Spells’ deck but I’m really hoping that it was Magic Aid’s most recent video that caused it to spike. Living End has always had a hard time dealing with graveyard hate games 2 and 3 but with Crashing Footfalls in the transformer sideboard you’re able to swap out Living End game 2 so the deck isn’t graveyard dependent. Feels good when your opponent mulligans to five and keeps a hand with double Leyline of the Void thinking they have secured victory for you to just beat them to death with a bunch of rhinos.)

[scryimg] Ophiomancer [/scryimg]

Ophiomancer from C13 up 162% now 28.99$ from 11.03$ (Sees play in 2,805 Commander decks according to EDHREC and mostly because people are still excited to build the new Yawgmoth deck with it in EDH. Not to mention it supplies old Teysa, Yahenni, Tymaret, Lyzolda, Krav & Regna, the Shattergang Brothers, Bontu, and the list goes on with an endless supply of sacrifice fodder each turn.)

[scryimg] Plague Engineer [/scryimg]

Plague Engineer up 124% now 3.92$ from 1.75$ (Nothing in particular caused this card to spike in price other than just organic demand. Engineered Plague had been on my Modern wish list for years and when I saw Plague Engineer during spoiler season I was in hog heaven. Now looking at it I think it’s better than Engineered Plague and should be about a 5$ card naturally so I’m not surprised to see it creep up to 4$. It’s just a good sideboard card and a slew of decks across Legacy, Modern, and Vintage are playing it.)

[scryimg] Wrenn and Six [scryimg]

Wrenn and Six up 80% now 54.00$ from 29.95$ (It’s not exactly rocket surgery to think that a two mana mythic rare planeswalker from an overpriced non-Standard set that is printed to order would creep up in price. This was also a card that I was going to include in my Modern Horizons Recap article as being a decent spec. If there is ever a deck that calls for it as a 4-of the same way big Karn is in Tron, I could see Wrenn and Six being a 75-80$ card someday no problem. When it was 25$ that was the deal of the century if you were lucky enough to have bought them at that price. As is, the card is seeing play all over Legacy as well as a 2-of in Modern Jund.)

[scryimg] Murganda Petroglyphs [/scryimg]

Muraganda Petroglyphs up 80% now 4.34$ from 2.41$ (There comes a time when I don’t know what caused a card’s price to spike and this is one of those times. 🤷 There is nothing on Reddit or in the Goldfish Disqus and I sincerely doubt the 43 Jasmine Boreal decks playing it according to EDHREC caused it.)

[scryimg] Inkmoth Nexus [/scryimg]

Inkmoth Nexus up 65% now 37.98$ from 22.92% (Up because of GW Infect in Modern and the upcoming reprint of Steel Overseer in M20 for Affinity.)

[scryimg] Polyraptor [/scryimg]

Polyraptor up 51% now 6.79$ from 4.50$ (Because of the new Marauding Raptor from M20 that goes infinite with it which is silly because the combo results in a draw and doesn’t just win the game on the spot even if you’re able to stop the combo with Sundial of the Infinite…)

[scryimg] Giver of Runes [/scryimg]

Giver of Runes up 50% now 12.00$ from 8.00$ (Has given birth to GW Infect in Modern as well as a 4-of in the Devoted Druid combo deck.)

[scryimg] Force of Vigor [/scryimg]

Force of Vigor up 47% now 7.50$ from 5.14$ (Even at 7.50$ that is criminally cheap for a free spell! Honestly, I could see this card easily being a 30$ card some day. The card sees play everywhere right now which is why I’m shocked when I see the price still under 10$. If I didn’t have to save money for new suspension on the race car right now I’d be buying a grip of these.)

[scryimg] Auriok Champion [/scryimg]

And lastly, Auriok Champion from Fifth Dawn up 46% now 21.99$ from 15.00$ (Sees play in just about every Wx sideboard in Modern right now to help fight against Hogaak decks. For every 2/2 zombie, they make you gain one life and are able to fearlessly block one of them which helps stem the bleeding until you’re able to stabilize with a Settle the Wreckage or something. Was featured as a 3-of in the Humans deck that took 1st at SCG Buffalo Grove recently.)

Welp, that’s all the stock talk for today folks!

And as always, if you’re in the market for some snazzy new sleeves be sure to cruise on over to the shop and use my discount code MADMAGIC for 15% off on your next purchase.

*All prices non-foil avg (not mkt) USD. Percentages based off price changes in the last week. Source:*